Cryptocurrency adoption is on the rise, and not just among investors. More than ever, consumers around the world are choosing to transact with merchants on a daily basis using crypto. In some countries, the acute volatility of the national economies has pushed a growing number of consumers to rely almost exclusively on cryptocurrencies, a trend which is gaining momentum.
In line with this surging popularity, ProperT was first introduced onto the Ethereum (ERC-20) blockchain in 2022. As of November 2023, ProperT 2.0 is also available on the MATIC Polygon blockchain. Set to redefine the crypto spending landscape and boost crypto adoption, this innovative token offers unprecedented features such as 5% token-back rewards giving users increased spending capacity, immediate utility with access to crypto gift cards, and full integration with the ForumPay payment gateway, enabling consumers to purchase from hundreds of FIAT-based merchants around the world.
This article explores what makes ProperT so unique and how it’s poised to transform the way cryptocurrency consumers spend their digital assets in the future.
Token-back rewards that boost consumer spending capacity
Reintroduced onto the MATIC Polygon blockchain in November 2023, ProperT 2.0 is the newest utility token to offer such an exclusive range of benefits, including 5% token-back rewards on any purchase of goods or services using ProperT via the ForumPay payment gateway.
ForumPay bridges the gap between the affluent and growing crypto community and traditional FIAT businesses. This bridge allows crypto users to continue buying from their favorite brands without leaving the crypto space, as ForumPay enables immediate crypto-to-FIAT transactions.
Meanwhile, merchants operating in FIAT currencies are able to tap into the exceedingly powerful community of cryptocurrency users and increase their consumer audience, while ensuring they receive the established price for their goods or service in the currency of their choice.
This exclusive rewards program ushers the benefits of credit card spending into the crypto space by allowing users to earn tokens and increase their spending capacity while they shop. The larger the purchase, the larger the reward.
The benefits of acquiring and spending ProperT tokens

Harnessing the utility of gift cards
Thousands of international brands such as Apple, Home Depot and Spotify are already tapping into the growing community of cryptocurrency users by issuing gift cards that allow them to leverage their funds and purchase goods and services without leaving the crypto space. The ForumPay merchant network, upon which the ProperT gift card platform will be based, is expanding exponentially, exemplified by the 151% average monthly growth rate in the last year.
In line with this growing confidence in the crypto space, ProperT has developed its very own gift card platform that enables immediate utilization of this token. There will be no need to wait for others to onboard the cryptocurrency; it is instantly functionable. It will offer gift cards from a host of merchants offering products and services, which ProperT holders can access using their own tokens, and receive the aforementioned 5% token-back rewards on each purchase.
By embracing the benefits and rewards of traditional payment methods such as credit cards, and welcoming them into the crypto space, ProperT aspires to boost crypto adoption and help move the industry into the future. As global crypto adoption rises, consumers should be encouraged to invest in decentralized finance, and rewarded for contributing to the sustainability of this community.
*Tokens equal to 5% of purchases made with the Token are awarded subject to a weekly cap calculated at an annual rate of 10% of each year’s new release.